Taking Care of Your Senior Dog

Senior Dog

Aging is part of life and your youthful dog will become a senior one day. Seeing your dog age is a blessing, even though it may start slowing down a little. Thankfully, you can help your senior dog age gracefully by observing a few tips. Just because your dog has hit senior age, it doesn’t mean his health starts dwindling overnight. It’s a gradual process, but with proper care, you can help your dog live his best life despite his age. Here are some tips for caring for your senior dog, courtesy of our team at Methuen Veterinary Hospital.

Semi-annual Wellness Exams

If your dog is old, it’s time to increase the frequency of routine exams from one per year to twice a year and more frequently if your dog has a chronic illness. Frequent appointments at an animal hospital are crucial for the early detection of illnesses to start treatment right away.

Proper Diet

While proper nutrition is critical at every stage of your dog’s life, pay more attention to diet when your canine friend is old. During this age, he isn’t as active as before and an improper weight can lead to unhealthy weight gain, putting your dog at risk of several weight-related diseases.

Keep Him Active

Just because your dog is old, it doesn’t mean you put a stop to walks and other exercises. Provide your dog with short walks and mild exercises. Follow his lead when being active and don’t force him when he looks tired. Exercises keep your dog’s weight in check and reduce the risk of weight-related ailments.

Frequent Grooming

As your dog ages, his once lush and shiny skin may start looking dull and brittle. Besides, an old dog’s skin tends to become flaky, dry, and irritated. Brush your pet’s skin regularly and use a mild shampoo to prevent the development of mats and tangles on the skin.

Pay Attention to His Dental Care

Aging dogs are at increased risk of gum disease and tooth loss. Don’t let your guard down on your dog’s oral care. Brush his teeth daily, give dental-friendly chews, and visit a veterinarian for periodic dental cleanings.

Contact Our Veterinarians in Methuen, MA

Do you need more tips on taking care of your senior dog? If you are in Methuen, book an appointment at Methuen Veterinary Hospital for personalized advice and quality care for your furry friend. Call our team today at (978) 685-8031 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.


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